Frank Daley Scholarship Fund

The Full Story
Frank Daley died suddenly on December 19, 2022.
This page and the Frank Daley Music Scholarship Fund were created by Frank's family and friends to honor Frank's memory. Frank, along with his brothers Jack and Joe have all had incredible lifelong success in music. From the young age of 10, Frank developed a keen ear for music particularly the Blues. With a beautiful vibrato and a world-class tone he soon established himself as one of the area's top guitarists. Playing in Proto Foto, Chris Busone and the Rain, The Daley Brothers Band and many many more. His talents soon led him to NYC where he eventually landed a 10-year gig with the legendary Rock and Roll pioneer and Grammy lifetime Achievement winner Bo Diddley. Frank toured the world with Bo and remained with him until his passing at age 80.
Throughout his life he always had a discerning eye for collectibles. Be it guitars, cars, motorcycles or furniture, he always knew all of the details and what made something collectable and valuable. These interests, skills, and knowledge have proven to be more than just a hobby for him but a passion and second career.
Frank along with Judy, his partner in life and business, was an art and antiques dealer operating Modern On The Hudson in Hudson, N.Y. for several years. He approached this business with the same love and intensity that made him so in demand as a guitarist. A true artist at heart with an eye for detail that was unmatched. He also truly enjoyed collecting vintage guitars and collecting classic cars and motorcycles. But, when he wanted to truly relax, Frank could be found with a friend or two on a peaceful lake fishing and telling hilarious stories as only he could.
He was a tremendous father to his beautiful daughter Ruby. His true pride and joy! Her happiness, success and future always were his first priority in life.
Music was a lifelong theme for Frank. There wasn't a day that passed that he didn't pick up a guitar. Frank was blessed with parents and a family who although they may have sometimes been short on means they always had the support of each other when it came to playing music. From his parents allowing loud playing in the basement, to allowing Frank and Jack to play out in bars as early as the age of 14!
This fund was created with this very sentiment of support and encouragement to young musicians in Frank's honor.
Thank you Francis Joseph Daley Jr. for your contributions of both love and music to this world. We hold you dearly in our memories and your name lives on through this amazing fund.